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My Prayer for all Musicians across the world...

Eternal God, Our Father, Ruler of the Universe, Jehovah Shammah, Lord we call upon Your name right now. I ask that flesh would decrease and spirit increase right now. God I'm asking right now that You touch every person that is proclaiming to be a musician for the fulfillment of Your word. I aks right now that you move in their lives like you never moved before God restoring, redeeming, rededicating, renewing, and edifying in the name of Jesus. Lord you have already declared that it's a new season. You have confirmed that everything that satan stole will be returned one hundred folds. God I'm calling You Jehovah Jireh right now because I know and believe right now that You and You alone are our provider. Mature us in the ministry that you have given us God qualify, strengthen us right now. We asking for spiritual and financial blessings right now in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Jehovah Nissi we call you because we know that this battle is not ours but Yours. Lord have mercy on every musician right now. Bless that boy or girl man or woman that has a desire to do Your will through music, praise, and worship. Father I ask right now that when you hear this prayer harden not your heart, but that you would move and not move a slightly but take complete control. And God when we've done all that we can do on this Earth we ask that You prepare our mansion somewhere in Your kingdom. This and all prayers we ask in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. AMEN

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